Sunday, March 13, 2011

Death of Asbjørn H. Roe (8 Jul 1890)

The death date of Asbjørn Roe can be determined from an article by Wendell Nelson that appeared on page 17 in the May 7, 2010 issue of the Portage County Gazette. During March through May of 2010, Nelson had written a well-researched four-part series about the Amherst octagonal barn for the paper. In the article entitled "Was Asbjorn Roe first owner of octagon barn?" he writes:
Roe died in July of 1890, according to the July 12, 1890, Stevens Point Journal. But so far, as with his wife, no death certificate seems to exist for him.

Even that Journal obituary is very short and uninformative: “Mr. Roe, father of Knud Roe, died at his son’s residence here (in Amherst Village) Tuesday night. He was 77 years of age.”
According to the Infoplease Pertpetual Calendar, July 12, 1890, fell on a Saturday. It would be a fairly safe assumption to make that the "Tuesday night" to which the Stevens Point Journal obituary refers is the most recent one prior to that Saturday. If that is true then Asbjørn would have died on Tuesday, 8 July 1890.

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