Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wedding Record: Asbjørn and Ragnhilda (RAAE) RAAE (18 May 1843)

Detail of SAB, Lærdal sokneprestembete, Ministerialbok nr. A 8, 1834-1853, s. 23. https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20070514630470.

The Minister's book for Lærdal records the wedding of Asbjørn Halvorsen RAAE, 30, and Ragnhilda Andersdtr RAAE, 27, on 18 May 1843. Their fathers' names are given respectively as Halvor Olsen RAAE and Anders Olsen RAAE. Since Halvor and Anders are brothers that would make Asbjørn and Ragnhilda first cousins.

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